Minorities, Immigrants and Cinema

Minorities, Immigrants and Cinema
Master Langues et sociétésParcours Euroculture


This class will be organized around three intensive days where some of the aspects of minority issues
will be discussed around three films.
1st day: Old minorities in south Eastern Europe as a result of the Ottoman Empire
Morning, class on minorities in the Balkans, Samim Akgönül
Afternoon : Movie : A Touch of Spiece (Πολίτικη Κουζίνα), Tassos Boulmetis, 2003
Text : Akgönül, Samim, « Towards Minority Policies beyond Reciprocity? : the EU, Greece and
Turkey » in Othon Anastasakis, Kalypso Nicolaidis, Kerem Öktem (ed.) In the Long Shadow of Europe
: Greeks and Turks in the Era of Postnationalism, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2009 p. 191-217
Discussion with class on the text and on the movie.
nd day: Roma minorities in Eastern and Western Europe
Morning, class on Roma and Council of Europe, Samim Akgönül
Afternoon, movie : Swing, Toni Gatliff, 2001
Text : Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, « The Roma – a Nation without a State? Historical
Background and Contemporary Tendencies » 
in Bernhard Streck (Hg.): Segmentation und
Komplementarität. Organisatorische, ökonomische und kulturelle Aspekte der Interaktion von Nomaden
und SesshaftenHalle 2004 p.. 71–100.
Discussion with class on the text and on the movie
3rd day: Europe as fortress, immigrants and refugees in Western Europe : new minorities ?
Morning, class on new minorities : Samim Akgönül, (University of Strasbourg)
Afternoon, movie : Welcome , Philippe Loiret, 2009
Text : Enzo Rossi, Luca Vitali, « Refugees Perceptions, Rights Compliance and the Implications on
European Reception Policy: Results from a Survey » in Sociology and Anthropology 2(5): 2014 p. 169-
Discussion with class on the text and n the movie


Compétences requises

English, European culture 

Compétences visées

This class aims to discuss minority and migration issues by using European

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi

At the end of the class each student (or group of students) will prepare a short
presentation paper and a short documentary movie (max 5mn) on a chosen
minority group in Strasbourg


  • Études anglophones

Informations complémentaires

Samim Akgönül



Responsable(s) de l'enseignement