Religions in Europe
Master Langues et sociétésParcours Euroculture
Religions in Europe
Compétences requises
English, European culture, European history, international law
Compétences visées
This course will analyse the minority concept under three scientific perspectives:
Sociology, Law and Political science.
Anne-Sophie Lamine, three classes, on the 27/02, 06/03, 13/03
Course outline
1/ What is happening to religion in Europe?
2/ What means being religious today: a saga of misunderstanding.
3/ Secularization and its critics. Alternative and complementary approaches
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
Each student will write a research paper and will present his/her work in
- Cultures et langues régionales
Informations complémentaires
Samim Akgönül, Anne-Sophie Lamine, Dimitrios Kargiotis, Alexandre Kostka
Public Space and beliefs in Europe », in P. Bréchon and F. Gonthier, eds., European values: Trends
and divides over thirty years, Leiden, Brill, 2017, 104-122.
Davie D., « Vicarious Religion: A Methodological Challenge », in Ammerman N. T., ed., Everyday
religion: Observing modern religious lives, Oxford University Press, 2006, 21-35. 18
Davie G., « Managing Pluralism: The European Case », Society, 51.6, 2014, 613-622.
Fadil N., « Managing affects and sensibilities: The case of not‐handshaking and not‐fasting », Social
Anthropology, 17.4 2009, 439-454.
Fadil N., « Performing the salat [Islamic prayers] at work: Secular and pious Muslims negotiating the
contours of the public in Belgium », Ethnicities, 13.6, 2013, 729-750.
Hervieu-Léger D., « The transmission and formation of socioreligious identities in modernity: an
analytical essay on the trajectories of identification », International Sociology, 13.2, 1998, 213-228.
Iannaccone L. R., « Why Strict Churches are Strong », American Journal of Sociology, 99.5, 1994,
Jouili J., « Negotiating secular boundaries: Pious micro‐practices of Muslim women in French and
German public spheres », Social Anthropology, 17.4, 2009, 455-470.
Lamine A.-S., « Dimensions of Belief : Oscillations, Confrontations, Toughening », in A. D. Ornella, ed.,
Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives, Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press,
2015, 21-41.
Lamine A.-S., « "I doubt ; Therefore, I Believe.” Three Modalities of “Belief in the Making » in Gl. Ganiel,
Ch. Monnot and H. Winkel, eds., Religion in Times of Crisis, Leiden, Brill, 2014, 72-90.
Lamine A.-S., « Singular Pluralities. A Review on Religious Pluralism », Religion and Society, 4.1, 2013,
Lamine A.-S., « Religion as Experience. Dialogue with John Dewey », Social Compass, 65.4, 2018,
Spickard, J. V., « What is happening to religion? Six sociological narratives." Nordic Journal of Religion
and Society 19(1), 2006, 13-29.
Stolz, J., « Secularization theories in the twenty-first century: Ideas, evidence, and problems », Social
Compas, 67.2, 2020, 282-308.
European Values Survey, Church attendance :
content/uploads/2018/09/visitreligiousservices.jpg?ssl=1 ; European Values Survey, Importance of
God :