UE 2 - Research Track / Professional Track

UE 2 - Research Track / Professional Track
Master Langues et sociétésParcours Euroculture

Credits25 crédits


Students opting for the research track can apply to spend the 3rd semester carrying out research in one of our 4 non-European partner universities. Selection is made of the basis of merit. Alternatively, research students can spend the semester at either their ‘first’ or ‘second’ university or, in certain circumstances, students can study at a third European partner university. Students opting for the professional track do an internship during the 3rd semester lasting at least 4 continuous months in a domain related to the programme of study. An internship contract is signed by the ‘home’ university and the employer. Although staff might be able to offer assistance, it is the responsibility of students to find a suitable internship. You are free to do this internship anywhere in the world.