UE 3 - Eurocompetence I
Master Langues et sociétésParcours Euroculture
The Eurocompetence modules are presented across the first, second and third
semesters of the MA Programme Euroculture. For the completion of
Eurocompetence I and II a student will receive 5 ECTS credits each, and for the
completion of Eurocompetence III 10 ECTS credits.
Eurocompetence modules are characterized by an interdisciplinary and
problem- oriented approach. As a module of the Euroculture programme, it was
designed with the goal of preparing Euroculture students for a) their entry as
experts of the European integration process and European culture into the job
market, b) their development into committed (European) citizens willing to
research, learn and work towards the improvement and innovation of
multicultural societies.
Learning outcomes (expressed as competences) identified for Eurocompetence
overlap to a large extend with other Euroculture courses, because of the
interdisciplinary approach of the programme. Certain competences are reflected
on during the Eurocompetence modules, but specifically trained through the
internship, the IP and the writing of the MA thesis, for example.
Eurocompetence I: training of a number of core competences required in the
field as Euroculture graduate
Compétences visées
In accordance with the core competences and learning outcomes formulated by
the Tuning process for the study area European Studies – in which Euroculture
can be categorized, and the competences set for the Euroculture programme
itself, the following learning outcomes, formulated as competences, are of
specific relevance to the Eurocompetence module (although they may refer also
to competences developed further in other Euroculture course modules):
1. Ability to communicate in writing and orally in English and the student’s own
mother tongue about relevant, European related issues, such as European
2. Ability to define suitable research topics contributing to debates on the
European integration process and European culture and execute and
report on the results of this research in an efficient and relevant manner.
3. Ability to identify and utilize appropriate sources of information and the
relevant retrieval tools.
4. Ability to work in a multicultural team (including the ability to work in an
international context).
5. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team on the one hand and to work
independently on the other hand.
6. Ability to select and apply relevant (scientific) methodologies to conduct fieldrelated research and project management.
7. Abilitytoreflectonone’sownvaluesandcapacitytoquestionheldconcepts, ideas
and theories.
8. Capacity of self-analysis and awareness of one’s own competence profile
9. Awareness of and respect for points of view deriving from different European
and non-European national and cultural backgrounds.
10. Ability to analyse and interpret European (cultural) events, developments
and policies in national, regional and local frameworks and apply this
into practice.
11. Use relevant IT skills as study and communication tools.
12. Transfer knowledge to required audiences in an appropriate manner and
choose the right moments and ways to do so and also to accept the responsibility
for the choice of a specific form of knowledge transfer.
13. Manage project, communicate the outcome of the project and evaluate the
14. Together with these competences, one can also include a number of personal
competences such as time management, the ability to adapt to new situations,
decision-making, self-reflexivity, etc.
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
The Assessment of the module will be done via various small written exercises to
be done at home, concerning academic writing and also personal skills (50%)
but also active participation in class and small presentations (50%).
- Études anglophones
Informations complémentaires
Valentin Haumesser
-Introductory Reader
-Bartsch, Robert A. and Kristi M. Cobern. 2003. « Effectiveness of PowerPoint
presentations in lectures ». Page 77-86 in Computers & Education, 41 (2003).
-Booth, Wayne and all. The Craft of Research. 3rd Edition. University of Chicago
Press. Chicago, 2008.
-Meyer, Richard E. Multimedia Learning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge,
-https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/annotated-bibliography accessed
September 2023
-https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html accessed
September 2023
- https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ accessed September 2023